Our commitment to excellence extends beyond window cleaning. Explore our additional services, including pressure washing, architectural surface cleaning, and comprehensive maintenance. Tailored to your convenience with our flexible packages, providing a top-tier service for residential and commercial spaces.
Our pressure washing technicians are equipped with a 1000-litre bowser and steam pressure washing equipment capable of reaching 150°C. This means that even if there is no onsite tap, we can effectively remove any dirt or grime, leaving the surroundings of your property looking brand new.
At Crawfords, our façade cleaning service is designed to revitalise and preserve the aesthetic integrity of your building's exterior. Our experienced team utilises advanced techniques, including pressure washing and specialised detergents, to gently remove accumulated dirt, pollutants, and grime, ensuring the façade regains its original lustre.
Our experienced team works diligently to remove debris, moss, and environmental pollutants, ensuring the longevity and visual appeal of your roof. Our efficient approach, utilising various methods, aims to preserve the condition of non-glass roofing materials, contributing to the overall well-being and aesthetic of your property.
Ensure the longevity and efficiency of your property with our professional gutter cleaning services for commercial and residential spaces. Our expert team meticulously clears debris, preventing clogs and water damage, to maintain optimal drainage and protect your building's structural integrity.
Our office cleaning services cater to the diverse needs of your workspace. From daily office cleans (DOC) to one-off builders and handovers cleans, our experienced team ensures a consistently clean and inviting environment tailored to the specific requirements of your office setting. We also offer this service to educational, retail and leisure institutions.
Our carpet cleaning service is designed to rejuvenate and maintain the freshness of your interiors. Using professional-grade equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, our team ensures a meticulous cleaning process, leaving your carpets spotless and enhancing the overall hygiene of your space.
our graffiti removal service is dedicated to restoring the physical appearance of your property. Our skilled technicians utilise advanced techniques and environmentally friendly solutions to effectively eliminate graffiti, ensuring a clean and welcoming exterior for your building.
At Crawfords, we offer comprehensive solutions for bird control, including expert installation of pigeon netting and spikes. Safeguard your property against avian nuisances with our effective and humane deterrents, providing lasting protection and preserving the cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of your spaces.
Eyebolt testing is an essential process for abseiling and rope safety testing. Although this service is complementary to all clients that choose our abseiling package, we also offer one-off testing to ensure your eyebolt systems are fully compliant with the most recent regulations.
From a squeegee to a 65ft purified water-fed pole, our technicians are able to reach staggering heights with two feet firmly on the ground. Ground access allows our teams to work quickly and efficiently without the additional time required to prepare a specialised access route.
Our IRATA-Certified abseiling teams prioritise safety on jobs of any size - from carrying out comprehensive safety assessments to regular training. Our technicians are passionate about providing a perfect clean on the tallest skyscrapers throughout London.
Cradle access allows our technicians to not only work vertically, but also horizontally. This method provides stability and is typically the most efficient solution for wide structures. These technicians, similar to abseiling, carry out safety assessments before commencing with their work.
Some architectural structures can present many challenges, such as balconies or steep gradients. Cherry pickers allows our teams to reach specific areas on buildings, which would otherwise be impossible. This brings a spotless 360° view to your property, leaving no area untouched.
Please reach us at Ricki@crawfordscontractservices.co.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All of our pressure washing technicians are equipped with a 1000-litre water bowser, which if needed, can be topped up at a nearby purified water station to finish the job. We pride ourselves on being able to complete any job to the client's satisfaction.
It is recommended that eyebolts and single anchor points used for the purpose of Work at Height should be testing once every 12 months and once every 6 months if Class A. If your system has not been compliance tested by a competent person within a 12 month period, they should be tagged strictly DO NOT USE.
We prioritise the responsible disposal of waste and adhere to green practices throughout all operations. By choosing Crawfords, you not only invest in immaculate window cleaning but also contribute to a cleaner, greener future for our community and planet. Read more about our environmental promise in our 'About Us' section.
Tap water contains minerals like calcium, magnesium and more that remain when the water dries on the glass to leave unpleasant white spots after drying. Purified water strips away these minerals to ensure each window is immaculate upon completing our clean.
Water-fed pole window cleaning systems operate using purified water which doesn’t use any harsh chemicals or detergents which means it is an environmentally friendly solution.
While they are exceptional water savers and reduce the amount of water that is wasted during the window cleaning process, pure water guarantees that, any water that comes into contact with surrounding plant life doesn’t cause any harm.
Our company has fully comprehensive public liability insurance. This is arranged through a specialised insurance company and our specialised access team are also IRATA-Certified.
We prioritise safety over everything. Our rigorous safety checks eliminate all risk to our technicians, such as anchor point testing, training and additional safety assessments.
At Crawfords, we pride ourselves on providing a cost-effective approach across all of our services, in comparison to competition. We base our pricing on frequency of cleans (for our regular package clients we provide a sizeable discount per visit), the type of service you select and the amount of time required to complete the job to our high standards.
We stand by our commitment to tailoring our solutions to your needs, which is why we offer weekend services across all of our options, request a free quote today to find out more!
Our promise to each client is that they are fully satisfied with our work. In the rare occasion that a client is unsatisfied, we provide a revisit as soon as possible or a money back guarantee. We take pride on all projects to ensure the highest quality services.
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